Bill Please - Split your bill. 下载

Bill Please - Split your bill.

  • 分   类:工具
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 开发者:Nanotalons, LLC
  • 星级   级:

  • 评   分:0.00
  • 下载量:1653次
  • 发   布:2024-03-07 14:09




Ever find yourself at a restaurant with a group of friends and the time has come to pay the bill, looking for the pencil and calculator. Well, Bill Please is the app for you! Split the bill amongst friends, calculate the tip and get the total all in one simple screen.

Bill Please is so simple you'll find yourself using it with every meal.

Support for iOS 14, SwiftUI, and new privacy rules.

相关TAG: 工具 美食佳饮

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