Gifted 礼品 下载

Gifted 礼品

  • 分   类:效率
  • 是否收费:¥22.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 开发者:James Harlin
  • 星级   级:

  • 评   分:0.00
  • 下载量:3821次
  • 发   布:2024-02-28 10:08




\"Gifted is both neatly designed and well organized.\" —The New York Times

Gifted is an elegant way to organize gifts, people, events & budgets—all year, every year. It's gift management made simple.

? Import people from Contacts (or add manually)

? Import birthdays & anniversaries

? Person profiles: likes, dislikes, clothes sizes

? All gift info: price, webpage, notes, store, etc

? Add photos of gifts & people

? Duplicate a gift idea for another person

? Set budget per event

? Set budget per person per event

? Customize which gifts go into the budget totals

? Gift progress tracker

? Sort gifts by price, store, person, event, status

? \"Gift Closet\" catalog of gifts already on hand

? Shopping list with stores, prices, notes

? Email or print your shopping list

? Gift history for each person and past event

? Chronological list of events and dates

? Set any event to recur annually

? Custom notification(s) for upcoming events

? Days countdown for upcoming events

? Build your own list of stores

? Unlimited number of gifts, people, events

? Optional passcode protection

? Optional Touch ID protection

? Works with all iPhone sizes

? Clean & beautiful app design

? … and more features coming soon

If you're short on memory, time, or both… then let Gifted take care of everything for you.

● APP DEMO VIDEO ● watch online at

\"Gifted is well polished, organized and packed with plenty of features.\"

\"Gifted is a slick little app.\"

\"It's all sensibly linked together. You can work the way that suits you best…it does its job well.\"


? Keep track of gift ideas, gifts chosen, and gifts given... all at your fingertips

? Include a photo of the gift, plus the store, price, and webpage

? Add any special notes, like size or color

? Assign the gift to a person and/or event, or just keep it as an idea for later

? Easily track the gift's progress:


? Sort gifts by price, store, person, event or progress

? Duplicate a gift idea for another person

? Email / print your shopping list


? Make an inventory of all those spare gifts already at home in your \"gift closet\"... things you made, bought on sale, or want to re-gift

? There's space to write a note about where you keep each gift, and where you got it from


? See whether your gift totals are within budget… or whether you’re about to overspend

? Set budgets for an event and/or for each person at that event

? Settings options to customize which gift progress categories (IDEA, NEED IT, ORDERED, HAVE IT, and GIFTED) are included in the budget totals


? Birthdays, anniversaries… let Gifted remember all those dates for you

? Recurring events automatically have the same people added again… saves you setup time each Christmas

? Advance notification(s) give you plenty of time to choose the perfect gift... no more last minute panics!

? See all upcoming events in chronological order

? Pick which people to gift at each event

? See upcoming and past events for each person

? Track which gifts still need to be chosen, bought or gifted for each event... so no one is forgotten!

? Look up past events to see which gifts you gave last time... never worry about giving the same gift twice!

● Website and Video: ●

Backup & Restore your Gifted data! You can now easily backup your Gifted database (in the built-in iOS Files app format) to iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. You can also share the backup file. To restore, simply select one of your Gifted

相关TAG: 效率 购物