Worcester Tourism 下载

Worcester Tourism

  • 分   类:旅游
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 开发者:ConnectMobiles24 Pty Ltd
  • 星级   级:

  • 评   分:0.00
  • 下载量:2243次
  • 发   布:2024-02-06 21:21




Worcester is the largest town in the Breede River Municipal Area with about 90 000 residents. It was planned in 1820 when it was also officially declared a \"town\" with its own \"Drostdy\" (Magistrate's Office). The town planning shows a neo-classical influence and the architecture followed suit. Some buildings have their own unique style and architects now recognize the Worcester gable.

- App version included in the app's info
- blog limit to 3 months

相关TAG: 旅游 美食佳饮