Get Weather 下载

Get Weather

  • 分   类:天气
  • 是否收费:¥8.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 开发者:Gursu Asik
  • 星级   级:

  • 评   分:0.00
  • 下载量:978次
  • 发   布:2024-02-06 20:47




Now you can obtain your weather report from its inception, through GetWeather App.

GetWeather App is an app that will help you plan your time around the weather in a short and minimalist way. Be aware of any precipitation within an hour with a minute precision or plan your activities. GetWeather App can tell you, which part of the day is going to have a clear sky and light breeze perfect for a run or bike ride for 7 days ahead.

The most important features of GetWeather App:

- The units, language or local time you want your weather to be displayed in are customized based on your phone's region and language settings.

- Get accurate weather forecast for your location.

- Never get caught up in rain, snow, or stifling heat with icons and information that directly tell you the weather conditions in your area for 48 hours.

- Minimalist design that gives all the weather information you need. Humidity and wind speed are found.

Location info fixed.

相关TAG: 天气